
About us


West Pomerania Economic Development Association – Szczecin Business Centre is a non-profit organization that has been supporting and promoting the economic development of our region for more than 20 years. We are one of the oldest institutions of its kind in Poland. Our assistance and services are provided at the highest level and by qualified professionals. We have carried out over 40 projects in different areas and all of them ended with a successful completion.

Goals  & Mission

The main goal of our Association is to promote and develop entrepreneurship in our region. The mission is to support people and organizations in the development of their competencies, potentials and capabilities. We support micro, small and medium-sized businesses sector as well as the unemployed people. Organizing seminars and providing the information and advisory services, the Association focuses on adopting the customer’s point of view, both from the position of the caller and his own.

Our strenghts


A remarkable number of references and recommendations reflects our professional attitiude towards clients.


More than 500 training courses allowing to obtain qualifications by 4000 people were organized so far.


As a serious Business Partner, we cooperate with European Commission, Ministries, Local Authorities, Entrepreneurs, Scientists and various Institutions and Organizations.

Focus on development

Thanks to projects we had undertaken with the support of EU, a more than 200 start-ups have been established.


More than 2000 business offers and requests have been disseminated among our clients in recent years.

Organizational perfection

Brokerage events, training courses, individualised advisory service, support to unemployed and realization of numerous EU projects speaks for itself.

Areas of our activities


provides offices for developing enterpreneurs to let them effectively come into the market.


organizes training courses co-funded by European Union  and trainings in lifelong learning system.


advises, informs, trains. Thanks to the support of the European Union, we help free Polish entrepreneurs to find successful partners in the foreign markets, to negotiate cooperation agreements, to understand international regulations and to find the right funding program. We also analyze and help to clarify the innovative needs of the enterprise and we are looking for companies with available technologies and solutions.


organizes training for future entrepreneurs – we teach students how to set up and run their own business and how to become a part of the Polish and European business markets.

Feel free to do business
with us!


Chairman of the Association, Zbigniew Pluta

Recommendations, awards, honors

W 2012 roku uzyskaliśmy tytuł najlepszego projektodawcy EFS w ramach Zachodniopomorskich Magnolii EFS.

West Pomeranian Magnolias EFS 2012

Z zadowoleniem stwierdzam, że dotychczasowa współpraca Gminy Goleniów z  ZSRG – SCP układa się bardzo dobrze. Za największy sukces uznaję zorganizowane przez ZSRG – SCP spotkanie z inwestorami, które dało impuls do nawiązania przez Gminę Goleniów kontaktów z Kostrzyńsko – Słubicką Specjalną Strefą Ekonomiczną w Kostrzyniu.

Mayor of Goleniów

Pomorska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A zarządzająca Słupską Specjalną Strefą Ekonomiczną, dziękuje za aktywne działanie na rzecz rozwoju Pomorza. Dzięki zorganizowanemu przez ZSRG – SCP, Forum Gospodarczemu z udziałem przedsiębiorców z Polski i Niemiec, Słupska Strefa Ekonomiczna pozyskała nowego inwestora zagranicznego.

Special Economic Zone in Słupsk

Podziękowania za aktywny i twórczy udział w realizacji programu Dni Techniki Pomorza Zachodniego “Innowacyjność – szansą rozwoju województwa zachodniopomorskiego”

NOT Szczecin
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